
How To : E-PB: How To Get Verity for PeopleTools 8.50

E-PB: How To Get Verity for PeopleTools 8.50 [ID 949230.1]

In version 8.50, Verity is not included within PeopleTools' package. PeopleSoft PeopleTools and PeopleBooks use Verity to implement the application's inner searching.

Install Verity after installing PeopleTools, and before the database is created.  Install Verity on all of the machines where the Application Server, Batch Server, and the Web Server have been setup.

Download Verity for PT 8.50  “PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.50 Verity” from Oracle’s e-delivery at http://edelivery.oracle.com

Download it from the PeopleSoft FTP site at ftp://ftp.peoplesoft.com/outgoing/ptools/verity/ver621/


Please refer to the “Task 4-4: Installing the Verity Integration Kit” in PeopleTools_8.50_installation_Oracle.pdf.

Download the "PeopleTools_8.50_installation_Oracle.pdf." from the http://edelivery.oracle.com site.

When installing, use install keys from here:
The install document you will be using is PeopleTools_8.50_Installation_Oracle.pdf.  It gives excellent step-by-step instructions on everything you need to do to install PeopleTools as well as the HRMS application.  It is somewhat of a generic document, meant for PeopleTools as well as many other applications you might want to install.  HRMS is only one of the applications it talks about.
Download the PDF from the Oracle EDelivery site.  When you see that it is a 700 page install document, you’ll realize what you’ve gotten yourself into.  You will have to go through most of it.
Ok, now here’s a high-level summary of suggested steps :
  1. Install Oracle database
  2. Install PeopleTools CD
  3. Install Application CD (i.e. HRMS & Campus Solutions. Make sure that install HRMS & Campus Solutions into the same folder as PeopleTools.)
  4. Create Oracle DB for PeopleSoft
  5. Install BEA Tuxedo CD
  6. Install BEA Weblogic CD
  7. Configure App Server
  8. Install and Configure PIA
  9. Login to PIA

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